For Curio Purposes Only!
(Obligatory Disclaimer)
We are not doctors, nutritionists, or even professional chefs. The information contained within this website is not intended for use in the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. It is intended for entertainment and curio purposes only.
The content of this website is copyrighted material. It may not be edited, reproduced, altered, or otherwise modified without express permission of the authors.
The opinions and beliefs of individual contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of Selfsploitation Press as a whole.
We respectfully ask anyone unable to discern the difference to leave quietly.
Thank you!
Who We Are Collectively:
We are a small publishing concern devoted to the pursuit and practice of selfsploitation as expressed through various creative, sociomasochistic means.
Our name refers to the investment of self that artists make in their creations, and moreover, the pieces of ourselves and our lives that we prostitute daily on this thing called the internet, typically via social media. All around the world, wherever you find the internet and its associated technologies, selfsploitation has become the new pastime.
Most of our publications and projects are collaborative to at least some extent. This can apply to content or design, or both. For more information about our individual contributors and their related social media links, please refer to the credits below:
Contributor Credits:
Design - dulcedemon
Text and Photos - dulcedemon
Logo and Illustrations - mrcrypt
Design and Content - mrcrypt